Amazon Prime Games is designing a game. The player needs to pass n rounds sequentially in this game. Rules of play are as follows:

The player loses power[i] health to complete round i.
The player’s health must be greater than 0 at all times.
The player can choose to use armor in any one round. The armor will prevent damage of min(armor, power[i]).

Determine the minimum starting health for a player to win the game.

power = [1, 2, 6, 7] armor = 5

Give the player 12 units of health at the beginning of the game. One of the optimal strategies is to use the armor in the third round and only lose 1 unit instead of 6. The health of the player after each round is:

Round, health

12-power[0] =12-1=11
11 – power[1] = 11-2=9
8-power[3] =8-7=1
No lower starting health will allow a win.

Shubham Haldkar Answered question 5, May ,2022

Python Code

def findMinHealth (power, armor):
    n = len(power)
    ans = 0
    arm = True
    for i in range(n):
        if power[i] > armor and arm == True:
            ans += power[i] – armor
            arm = False
            ans += power[i]     if arm == True:
        temp = max(power)
        ans -= temp
        arm = False
    return ans + 1

if __name__ == ‘__main__’ :
    power_count = int(input().strip())
    power = []     for i in range (power_count):
        power_item = int(input().strip())

    armor = int(input().strip())
    result = findMinHealth(power, armor)
Shubham Haldkar Edited answer 14, July ,2022
Shopping Basket