In this quick tutorial, I will let you know how to convert second into date format, this is a very common problem in web development to convert date into a specific date format.
To achieve the above results we need to convert the date into a timestamp then we converted that timestamp into the desire date format with help of the date(timestamp, ‘date format’) function.
But here we are converting seconds into a user-specific date format like we want to show as below format date.
Here is a code to find the difference between 2 dates in various formats
//get Date diff as intervals
$date1 = new DateTime(“2021-03-13 00:00:00”);
$date2 = new DateTime(“2021-03-18 01:23:45”);
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
$diffInSeconds = $interval->s; // difference in seconds
$diffInMinutes = $interval->i; // difference in Minuts
$diffInHours = $interval->h; // difference in Hours
$diffInDays = $interval->d; // difference in Days
$diffInMonths = $interval->m; // difference in Month
$diffInYears = $interval->y; // difference in Year
//or get Date difference as total difference
$d1 = strtotime(“2018-01-10 00:00:00”);
$d2 = strtotime(“2019-05-18 01:23:45”);
$totalSecondsDiff = abs($d1-$d2); // difference in seconds
$totalMinutesDiff = $totalSecondsDiff/60; // difference in Minutes
$totalHoursDiff = $totalSecondsDiff/60/60; // difference in Hours
$totalDaysDiff = $totalSecondsDiff/60/60/24; // difference in Days
$totalMonthsDiff = $totalSecondsDiff/60/60/24/30; // difference in Month
$totalYearsDiff = $totalSecondsDiff/60/60/24/365; // difference in Year
Convert seconds into other time format
To Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second in php just use this code-
function secondstoDays($seconds)
$ret = “”;
/*** get the days ***/
$days = intval(intval($seconds) / (3600*24));
if($days> 0)
$ret .= “$days days “;
/*** get the hours ***/
$hours = (intval($seconds) / 3600) % 24;
if($hours > 0)
$ret .= “$hours hours “;
/*** get the minutes ***/
$minutes = (intval($seconds) / 60) % 60;
if($minutes > 0)
$ret .= “$minutes minutes “;
/*** get the seconds ***/
$seconds = intval($seconds) % 60;
if ($seconds > 0) {
$ret .= “$seconds seconds”;
return $ret;