Get and store data in mysql using python api

 In this tutorial we will use how to do GET and POST request  in python using flask.

In this tutorial we will see how we will post the data through api using POST method to database and how to retrieve the data of specific id from GET method and return the data is json format with field name.

Python code to Get and store data in MySQL using python API

Click here to get code 

from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, request
import mysql.connector
import json

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
app = Flask(__name__)

def success(name):
    return 'welcome %s' % name

def get():
    id = request.args.get('id')

    mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM api_table WHERE id = '%s' ;" % id)
    row_headers=[x[0] for x in mycursor.description] #this will extract row headers
    rv = mycursor.fetchall()
    for result in rv:
    return json.dumps(json_data)

def post():
    a_char = request.form['a_char']
    a_varchar = request.form['a_varchar']
    a_text = request.form['a_text']
    a_integer = request.form['a_integer']
    a_decimal = request.form['a_decimal']
    a_float = request.form['a_float']
    a_double = request.form['a_double']
    a_boolean = request.form['a_boolean']

    sql = "INSERT INTO `api_table`(`a_char`, `a_varchar`, `a_text`, `a_integer`, `a_decimal`, `a_float`, `a_double`, `a_boolean`) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s,%s, %s,%s, %s)"
    val = (a_char, a_varchar, a_text, a_integer, a_decimal, a_float, a_double, a_boolean)
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
    return (mycursor.lastrowid)

@app.route('/all',methods = ['POST', 'GET'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        id = post()
        return json.dumps({"id": id})

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        usr = get()
        return usr

if __name__ == '__main__': = True)

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