Build Concepts In Coding

How To Build Concepts In Coding

In this  post, I will describe how to build logical concepts for coding rounds.  Programming itself is a truly beautiful form of art in and of itself. While programming, we may encounter various difficulties, but we can always overcome them. So, in this post, we’ll go over the top four ideas and strategies that may help you improve your programming abilities, solve some frequent programming challenges, and aid in the logic development process.

1. To Build Concepts Pracitce Regularly

Yes, that’s true. You have to practice on a regular basis so that you can remember the basic concepts.

It is a well-known phrase that “practice makes perfect.” The same is true when it comes to programming logic. Regardless of how busy you are with other things, make it a point to edit, read an article, or answer a question every day. Consistent practice will much aid in the overall logic-building process.

2. Use pen and Paper

Pen Paper

We usually start coding the identical problem on our Editor after viewing it. As a result, when asked to write code on paper in interviews, we struggle. Always try to develop the code’s pseudo-code or algorithm before putting it into action and also make a dry run of it on paper so that you will understand the flow of code. It will assist you in developing the code, and you will be able to recall it more readily the next time you encounter a similar situation. It will also assist you in developing syntactic strength.

3. Way to Programming Is Via Concepts

To tackle any problem, we must first understand the concepts of the topic; only then will we be able to apply them and solve the problem. So you must have knowledge of basics loops and conditional statements. You must know traversal in the array and it is good to know data structure also. If you don’t know data structure then don’t worry, but you must know array and its types. 

4. Go Step By Step

Make a clear approach of doing practice. First of all, you have to clear your logic and then start solving some basic questions.  You can start by easy questions or some basic questions or array, matrix, loops, etc. After that, you can jump to medium-level questions of stack and queue, and at last you practice for Linked list and graph.


Refer The Below Post to Build Logic

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