In order to ensure maximum security, the developers at xyz employ multiple encryption methods to keep user data protected.
In one method, numbers are encrypted using a scheme called ‘Pascal Triangle”. When an array of digits is fed to this system, it sums up the adjacent digits. It then takes the rightmost digit (least significant digit) of each luge and is repeated in addition for the next step. Thus, the number of digits in each step is reduced by 1. This proceeding until there are only 2 digits left, and this sequence of 2 digits form the encrypted number.
Given the initial sequence of the digits of numbers, find the encrypted number. You should report a string of digits representing the encrypted number.
Function Description
Complete the function getEncryptedNumber in the editor below.
getEncryptedNumber has the following parameter:
int numbers[n]: the initial sequence of digits
string: the encrypted number represented as a string of 2 characters.
2 <= numbers.length <= 5.10^3 0 <= numbers[1] ≤ 9 Sample Input For Custom Testing numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4], n = 4 Sample Output 82 Explanation The encryption occurs as follows: [1, 2, 3, 4] -> [3, 5, 7] -> [8, 2].
Another Input
numbers = [4, 5, 6, 7], n = 4
Sample Output
The encryption occurs as follows: [4, 5, 6, 7] -> [9, 1, 3] -> [0, 4].

Shubham Haldkar Changed status to publish 5, May ,2022

Python Code

def getEncryptednumbersber(numbers):
        temp =[]
        for i in range(len(numbers)-1):
            val = numbers[i] + numbers[i+1]
        numbers = temp

    return str(numbers[0] + numbers[1]) 

numbers =[4,5,6,7]

Shubham Haldkar Changed status to publish 30, May ,2022
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