Posted an answer
Which of the following are the best practices for secure user authentication?

Use PreparedStatements   Sanitize user input strings

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which JDBC class can help to prevent SQL injection attacks?


18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
What are the best practices for secure password storage?

Store a hash and a salt Use PBKDF2WithHMacSHA256

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which of the following are the best practices for maintaining data confidentiality in Java?

Use Java 7 try-with-resources Don't throw FileNotFoundExceptions to client code

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which of the following is true for secure caller access in Java?

Native code bypasses Java security checks

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which of the following should you do in development, but not in production code, when working with security contexts?

Print a stack trace in the exception handler

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
What is the default Java policy file?


18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
What should programmers be aware of when using containers?

Isolation may be breached via untrusted code access to mutable statics   Containers are code that manages other code with a lower level of trust

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which of the following are the best practices for working with doPrivileged?

Catch PrivilegedAction exceptions   Use the PrivilegedExceptionAction interface

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
Which of the following are true for the Java permissions model?

It uses stack-based access control   Any frame without permission will cause the entire context to be denied permission

18, October ,20225
Posted an answer
What are the best practices for implementing Secure Network Communications in Java applications?

Use SSL for sensitive data Use the Java SDK Keystore tool

18, October ,20225
Asked a question
Which of the following are the best practices for secure user authentication?

Which of the following are the best practices for secure user authentication?   Construct queries with the password encrypted Use PreparedStatements Sanitize user input strings...

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
Which JDBC class can help to prevent SQL injection attacks?

Which JDBC class can help to prevent SQL injection attacks?   PreparedStatement Statement ResultSet Connection

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
Which of the following are the best practices for maintaining data confidentiality in Java?

Which of the following are the best practices for maintaining data confidentiality in Java?   Use Java 7 try-with-resources Print a stack trace for exceptions in production Don't...

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
What are the best practices for secure password storage?

What are the best practices for secure password storage?   Use java.util.Random Store a hash and a salt Store encrypted passwords Use PBKDF2WithHMacSHA256

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
Which of the following is true for secure caller access in Java?

Which of the following is true for secure caller access in Java?   Native code bypasses Java security checks Create public methods in trusted classes to give access to untrusted...

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
Which of the following should you do in development, but not in production code, when working with security contexts?

Which of the following should you do in development, but not in production code, when working with security contexts?   Get the context with AccessController.getContext Null check any...

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
What should programmers be aware of when using containers?

What should programmers be aware of when using containers?   Java.awt.Frames.getFrames is a static global Isolation may be breached via untrusted code access to mutable statics Code...

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
What is the default Java policy file?

What is the default Java policy file?   java.policy policy.extension extension.policy

18, October ,20222
Asked a question
Which of the following are the best practices for working with doPrivileged?

Which of the following are the best practices for working with doPrivileged?   Keep all code inside the run method Catch PrivilegedAction exceptions Allow caller to directly provide...

18, October ,20222
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