Roadmap To Accenture(3) - Pre Onboard Journey

One Year At Accenture

This is the fourth post of my journey to Accenture. Here I will describe my one year at Accenture. 

If you have not read the first, second and third post of this series then I recommend you to read the first post then read this post. 

Post Onboarding Journey

After joining Accenture I have gone through onboarding journey. At the time of joining the online work was going so everything was online. 

First, there was a Welcome to Accenture ceremony. In which they welcomed us and tell the facts and figures about Accenture. After that one New Joiner Experience (NJX) meet was there. In NJX meeting we have a virtual tour of Accenture world.

Training At Accenture

After joining Accenture I have gone through training. I was trained in Java Language by the Accenture facility. They trained Java from Basic to advanced level. I was in about three months long training. After completing training there was one test. We must have to qualify for that test to proceed further. There were three chances to pass that test. You have to score a minimum of 60% of the total marks.

Project Assignment

After completing my training and passing the exams, I was assigned to a project. In that project, the seniors have given KT (Knowledge Transfer) to me. Once I got the KT, I got to know the project and how it works. My seniors are supporting and they are still helping me whenever I stuck while working. I am learning a lot while working here.

One Year At Accenture

“Congratulation you have completed one year at Accenture”. This was the title of the mail which I received. This shows how Accenture cares about its employees.

Till now my overall experience is good. I have learned a lot and a year full of growth, both personally and professionally. I have learned new things and met a lot of people. Having nice memories and still counting on that.  

So that’s my one year journey in Accenture. Hope you liked the post and enjoyed the reading. 

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